The CHSAA Board had a successful “Annual” Meeting with Alumni across the U.S. utilizing the Zoom app. Check us out for our next “ALL” Alumni Meeting in February 2023. Mark your calendars!
The Board is looking to fill two or three vacancies. Also, to join the Scholarship Committee. $239,000 has been awarded in CHSAA Scholarships, to date. Alumni, if you have the time, this is a wonderful way to give back to your School and Community! Show us your Eagle Pride!
Memorial Day 2022 – Friday, May 27th . . . we are making plans to hold our annual ceremony to honor our Fallen Eagles who sacrificed their lives while serving in the US armed forces. To ALL the men and women currently serving our great nation . . . Thank you for our FREEDOM !!!
The Board is working on a schedule where alumni can come out and support our CHS boys & girls athletic team events. More information to come!
The Board is looking for any historic CHS yearbooks or artifact items that alumni would like to donate to our Grover’s Corner Room. The room will be utilized for significant items associated with CHS. GO EAGLES!!!
The CHSAA Board is excited and looking forward to a “Meet & Greet” with Franklin High School’s Alumni Board. Here’s to the Red & White . . . Building Bridges!!
This year, the Alumni Board is celebrating its 25th Anniversary tentative set for the Fall of 2022. A lot of fun activities are being planned. Stay tuned. We’ll keep you posted!
Our Social Medial Committee is working on our digital platform, updating, and improving our Facebook, Instagram & Snap Chat accounts for CHSAA.
The CHSAA Board meeting dates are set for Saturdays at 10:00 AM via ZOOM or In-Person, on August 6th and October 15th. We’ll keep you posted on the location on our CHSAA Website.
Looking Ahead and SAVE THE YEAR for Cleveland High School’s 100th Anniversary Celebration in 2027! Alumni, please send us your ideas to
A Trip to the CHS Memorial Forest: A few of the CHSAA Board Members (Bernie Moskowitz ’57; John Barton ’54; Mary Lou (Zarkades) Barton ’54; and Nicole R. Washington ’80 taking the pictures) took a field trip to the Cleveland High School Memorial Forest to prepare for Friday’s May 27th Memorial Ceremony. Alumni, please come out and honor the memory of our Fallen Eagles who served our Country. We met the new groundskeeper at the Forest, Robert Hodges, who recently found what he thought was a stump with a rock in the side. He stripped away the moss and discovered a memorial (see photo) that stated the following:
1966 -1978