CHS Athletics Celebrates the Class of 2020

CHS Athletics 2020

We wanted to share this amazing message from Jonathan Hughes – Athletic Director / Education of CHS!

What a great week of celebration for the class of 2020!  And there is more!  SPS Athletics funded the creation of a video to highlight our seniors and their athletic participation.  We did the best we could trying to track down photos, videos, and names of student-athletes (some hadn’t yet officially registered for spring sports and spring only had a week of practice, no events).  Ms. Scribs and ENN were instrumental in providing many of the photos.  The owner of the production company that made all the films for each high school is a Cleveland High grad class of 2000, Carlos Imani.  You can check that out here:

Updates regarding fall athletics and summer practices will be coming soon.  We are expecting to hear from the Governor and the Health Department regarding WIAA return to play guidelines.  Hoping that information comes within the next several days.  Of course, tomorrow is the big announcement from SPS about what school will look in the fall.  Feeling nervous.


Jon Hughes
Athletic Director / Educator
Cleveland STEM High School

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