From the Principal

Dear Cleveland High School Community,

The winds of change are blowing at Cleveland High School. This is a bittersweet moment in my professional career. After eight years as the proud Principal of Cleveland High School, I have decided to move on. I am going downtown to serve as a Principal Coach and Mentor for newly appointed principals in Seattle Public
Schools. It has been an honor to serve as the proud Principal of Cleveland High School, and I will never forget the support that the Alumni have shown my family and me over the years.

We have seen Cleveland become one of the most desired schools in the region, with the highest graduation rates in the area. Many of our students are being accepted into and graduating from four-year universities. Cleveland’s legacy is stronger than ever because we are family at Cleveland High School.

Catherine Brown will be serving as the newly appointed Principal of Cleveland High School. Catherine has been at Cleveland for over 18 years, serving as a teacher, an academic intervention specialist, and Assistant Principal. Catherine is extremely passionate about student equity, academic rigor, and social justice. She has a long history at Cleveland, and she will diligently work with students, staff, community, and families to take Cleveland High School to the next level.

Mr. Ray Morales, who serves as my other wonderful Assistant Principal, will be leaving to become the Principal at Chief Sealth High School. Mr. Morales has been at Cleveland for five years as an Assistant Principal and has brought passion, energy, and expertise to our race and equity teams. Ray has also helped re-shape our special education department, athletic department, and science
department. Ray will be sorely missed at Cleveland High School, and we wish him well at Chief Sealth High School– except when they are competing against Cleveland.

Finally, Ms. Fely Regan, who serves as the life-blood of Cleveland, will retire this year after 36 years of excellent service. I have had the pleasure to work with Ms. Regan for eight years, and she is by far the best administrative secretary in the District. Ms. Regan is not just a colleague; she is family. I would not have made it as the Principal at Cleveland High School without Ms. Regan. She is the heartbeat of Cleveland High School, and everything at Cleveland runs smoothly because of Ms. Regan’s dedication, institutional knowledge, expertise, and work
ethic. Ms. Regan holds Cleveland High School together, and she is the go-to person for teachers,

George L Breland, Principal
Cleveland High School

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